LSB to encourage comparison websites to enter the law

The Legal Services Board (LSB) is encouraging comparison sites to enter the legal market .
The Legal Services Board (LSB) is set to make encouraging comparison sites to enter the legal market one of its goals for the next year, along with telling regulators to be clearer about how they spend the profession’s money.
A consultation on its 2016/17 business plan, published yesterday, also highlighted the oversight regulator’s push to drive down its own costs.
The business plan said: “Consumers need reliable information to help them compare legal services before they can decide which to buy. LSB and the LSCP [Legal Services Consumer Panel] have both championed the publication of regulatory data and encouraged comparison websites to consider entering the legal services sector."
“In 2016/17, we will work with market intermediaries to understand whether there are barriers, regulatory or otherwise, preventing them from entering the legal services sector. Based on advice from the LSCP, we will challenge regulators to unlock additional regulatory data to improve the choice environment for consumers.”